Haykel Snoussi

Boston Children's Hospital


I am a Researcher, dedicated to exploring the intersection of image processing, machine learning, and neuroscience, leveraging my expertise in programming, neuroimaging, medical image analysis, and MRI.

I earned a dual engineering degree from the University of Sfax and École Centrale de Nantes in 2014, followed by a master’s degree from Pierre and Marie Curie University in partnership with Télécom ParisTech in 2015. I then pursued my Ph.D. at Inria Rennes research center, collaborating with the Empenn Research Unit, Hospital of Rennes, and the NeuroPoly laboratory at Polytechnique Montreal. My research focused on diffusion MRI for spinal cord data in the context of multiple sclerosis, successfully defending my Ph.D. thesis in 2019.

Subsequently, I contributed as a Data and Imaging Analyst at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, where I worked on advanced neuroimaging pipelines and machine learning techniques for various studies, such as UKBB, ADNI, and MarkVCID. Then, I briefly served as a Research Associate at Texas Children’s Hospital, affiliated with Baylor College of Medicine.

Currently, I am a Research Fellow with the IMAGINE group at the Computational Radiology Laboratory at Boston Children’s Hospital, affiliated with Harvard Medical School, focusing on fetal MRI and pediatric imaging.